Growing tobacco seems like it should be illegal doesn't it? Well, can you grow tobacco in Florida? Yes, Florida's climate is well suited for growing tobacco and it's in no way illegal for you to...
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What is your favorite way of enjoying your pineapples? In pizzas? As a fruit juice? But can you grow pineapples in Florida? Yes, Pineapples are super easy to grow in Florida. Pineapples enjoy warm...
Craft beer is exploding in the sunshine state, brewers are getting crazy with these beers, and I love it! Can you grow hops in Florida? Yes, hops do best in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9 but...
Does Comfrey grow in Florida? Yes, Comfrey will grow in Florida without a problem. It is a perennial high yield plant with long, hairy leaves that grow fast and offers gardeners many benefits. ...
Chaya, Also known as the spinach tree is a plant that can easily grow in Florida's climate and produces an edible green. When do you plant chaya in Florida and how do you grow it? You should plant...
Who wouldn't want to grow peppers? They add a spice to the kitchen and are also beautiful plants. But can they grow in Florida? Peppers Love the warmth and humidity that Florida has to offer. ...